Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Ballet Goals

I just thought I would share a few of my goals for the year with you. Summer vacation is coming up soon and I will have plenty of time to devote to my goals!

1. Get my middle splits.
I can do the splits to the middle but my goal is to have my legs perfectly strait across, like in the picture shown. Right now I’m more like the girl in the back.

2. Get my double and triple pirouettes down!
I’ve always been a little frightened of turning (or as my teacher says, "flipping") sense a pointe accident I had when I was younger. I really want to nail my turns and get over my fear!

3. Move up to being a Soloist in our cities dance "company".
I just joined the "company" this year and I’m in the corps de ballet. I am hoping that I will improve enough to get promoted!

4. Have my teacher tell say "That was beautiful" to me
My teacher only gives that compliment to the highest/best dancers in my class. I would love to hear her say that to me!

5. To become better friends with all the girls in my ballet class
I’m new this year, and all the girls have known each other for most of their lives. I really want to make a better effort at getting to know them!

Those are my goals! What are yours?
