Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Ballet Goals

I just thought I would share a few of my goals for the year with you. Summer vacation is coming up soon and I will have plenty of time to devote to my goals!

1. Get my middle splits.
I can do the splits to the middle but my goal is to have my legs perfectly strait across, like in the picture shown. Right now I’m more like the girl in the back.

2. Get my double and triple pirouettes down!
I’ve always been a little frightened of turning (or as my teacher says, "flipping") sense a pointe accident I had when I was younger. I really want to nail my turns and get over my fear!

3. Move up to being a Soloist in our cities dance "company".
I just joined the "company" this year and I’m in the corps de ballet. I am hoping that I will improve enough to get promoted!

4. Have my teacher tell say "That was beautiful" to me
My teacher only gives that compliment to the highest/best dancers in my class. I would love to hear her say that to me!

5. To become better friends with all the girls in my ballet class
I’m new this year, and all the girls have known each other for most of their lives. I really want to make a better effort at getting to know them!

Those are my goals! What are yours?


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tips from my Ballet Classes

I’ve learned many things sense I started taking ballet at a new studio in September of 07. All this great information is inside my head, and I know that other people could also benefit from it! So I thought I would share a couple of the great "lectures" that I’ve recieved from my ballet teachers! Todays advice is from my teacher named Jon and its on:

Balancing with your leg in Second (position that is)

"Have you ever had the pleasure of caring a very heavy suit case?" Jon asked me.
"I have, or I’ve at least tried" I answered.
"Then you’ve probably realized that if you carry two suit cases, one in each hand, that it is a lot easier to balance. Your leg that is in the air is like that heavy suitcase, it pulls you off your centre and thus you fall over. But if you have your weight over your toes on your supporting side and you are lifted in your hip and rotated, it is much easier to balance, and it is proper technique".

When I did this, it was so much easier to balance… much like it is when you are carrying two heavy suitcases instead of one!

I hope you learned something!


Monday, March 10, 2008

How to stay inspired

As a dancer I sometimes feel burnt out and wonder why I push myself to do what I’m doing.
In ballet perfection is what we strive for, what we live and long for, but we know we will never reach it. To us, our leg could always be higher, our turns could always be faster, and our jumps could always be grander. But with the sweat and tears come moments of pure joy! I love ballet, it is a major part of me.
When I’m feeling low and discouraged I remember how much God has blessed me! He has given me an able body that can twist and bend and lift! He deserves all the glory for that! Everything I can do is from Him!

Feeling Low? Try these!

To refresh my mind when I feel like I’m not good enough I love to read my Bible! James is my favorite chapter!

Read some ballet books! Go to your local library and check out every book that has to do with ballet! There are some really great ones out there!

Go to youtube! There are some really amazing videos! NYCB and ABT have pages on youtube that link to their videos!

Look for amazing ballet pictures! This is a great blog that always has new pictures!

Stretch! I know is doesn’t sound fun at first, but it always feels really great when your done!

Go to your local Theatre and see a ballet, there is nothing like watching a live ballet to get you inspired!

Best wishes! I hope you stay inspired to keep doing what your doing!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tough Times

The past couple of days have been pretty hard on me. I got braces put on the other day, and they hurt pretty badly! But Advil seems to help and the pain is only supposed to last a couple days.
Friday I had ballet and I got a lecture from my teacher about not being fast enough about picking up combinations. It’s hard for me, taking the class that I am, because I haven’t had much training and I was suddenly thrown into the advanced level. Half the time I have no idea what she is talking about. But I’m going to keep praying and working hard, and hopefully add a few more classes (from a lower level) so that I can understand things better.
Well, I’ll try to post again soon!
