Sunday, January 25, 2009

Don’t Waste Your Life

John Piper says in his book “Don’t waste you life”
“You man not be sure that you want your life to make a difference. Maybe you don’t care very much whether you make a lasting difference for the sake of something great. You just want people to like you. If people would just like being around you, you’d be satisfied. Or if you could just have a good job with a good wife, or husband, and a couple of good kids and a nice car and long weekends and a few good friends, a fun retirement, and a quick and easy death, and no hell- if you could have all that (even without God)- you would be satisfied. That is a tragedy in the making. A wasted life.”

I got to a small group Bible study on Sunday nights for the Seniors in my youth group. We have been studying out of John Piper’s book “don’t waste you life” and it has been a really great study.

In the quote above we are given the American dream. That is what everyone pictures as the perfect life, even if they have no God. Tonight I realized the tragedy of that, I realized that was how I felt. That I just wanted to be accepted by the world and I didn’t really care about making a lasting difference for God. I realize now that every thing that I do should be bringing God glory somehow. The title of this blog is Dancing to Bring God Glory… but lately I have not been doing that. I have been dancing for me and to earn praise for myself. I’m sad that I wasted so much dance and life on someone as disappointing as myself. From this day forward I aim to bring God glory in everything I do. I am recommitting myself to Dancing for the Lord!


Danielle said...

I LOVE that book! Is that u in the pic?

Holly said...

That is a good book.

Ballerina, I'm interested to hear how the "for God" part manifests itself for you in this situation - what determines whether your dancing for God or for you, and how does it show itself? Sorry, that sounds like an overdone churchy question to me, but I am curious. :)

The_Ballerina said...

Danielle, thats not a pic of me :( haha I wish it was though

Cuileann- I think its a personal thing. I can always tell when I am dancing for myself. Mostly when I do somthing right and I think "ya I know that was good" or "my hard work finally paid off" instead of thanking God for giving me the ability and the strenght.
It shows in my attitutude, when I am content with being who God created me to be and with the ability I have now, people can see it. When I am thinking of myself I am usually a sullen, and as some teachers have called it "hard core" dancer.