Monday, June 30, 2008


Okay so here are the rules:
- Link the person who tagged you.
- Mention the rules in your blog.
- Tell about 6 funky quirks of yours.
- Tag 3 following bloggers by linking them.
- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged and telling them to go to your blog for the details.

1) What were you doing 10 years ago?

Umm well probably pretending to be a Pocahontas! I loved that movie and would always pretend I was her!

2) What are 5 things on your to-do list today?

Stretch for an hour, Do a full barre workout, work on student list for teachng ballet, Read my Bible, play with my little sister!

3) The last 3 books you've read

Circle oh Honnor, Mark of Salvation, The Price of Freedom.
Read about them on my other blog!

4) Snacks you enjoy

Trail mix, Fruit (any kind), and Peanutbutter cookies

5) Things you would do if you were a billionaire

Move to Ireland and live in a Castle. Fly to New York everyday for ballet lessons. Pay off my parents bills, and buy them somthing nice. Donate to charities!

6) People you want to know more about

YOU! So make sure you fill this out if I tag you! lol

I'm going to tag:

Erin (

Hannah (

Holly (


bailey said...

Thank you so much! I do those things sometimes and I have been watching more ballets lately. It's just that I live in a small city that doesn't have the greatest dance programs. Although I know I am a pretty good dancer, I feel like if I don't move to the big city and get real professional training I will never become what I
need to be. My school does syllabus and exam work but I feel I am behind for my age, and I need to go into a half-day program at a school which we don't have here. My mom doesn't really want me to move away and live with my aunt, but what choice do I have? If I audition and get in, she can't say no can she? I'm so afraid.

Thank you for listening and for the advice,
