Sunday, May 25, 2008

Harry Potter

I have to admit it.

I really enjoy Harry Potter!

I’m going stir crazy waiting to get my hands on the third and fourth books! (Yes I have seen the movies, but books are so much better!).
I’ve heard that Harry Potter and being a Christian don’t go together, but I disagree. I can see how, for a young Christian, reading this books could lead to confusion in their faith, but being the grounded Christian young woman I am, I can spot and understand the fallacies. For me, these books are exciting, and give way to thinking creativity in a way I thought I had lost.

Anyway, I really am enjoying these books and the movies and I can not wait until the next movie comes out… and I might just loose my mind if I don’t get those books soon! Lol

What are your thoughts?


Holly said...

confused when I hear people say that Christians shouldn't read certain books or watch certain movies, it makes me wonder why they (or the people criticising them) can't differential between what's real and what's not!
I'm not a big Harry Potter fan though, it's just not my thing. :)

Holly said...

Oops, the beginning of my comment seems to have been cut off! It's supposed to say "I always get confused..."

Erin said...

I LOVE HARRY POTTER. And I am a very strong Christian. They are my absolute favorite books.

Here's a post I did on the subject:

The_Ballerina said...


I agree, HP is fictional! It is demonstrating the creativity that God gave the human mind!


I wasn't able to use the link to get the post! :( but i'm sure it was wonderful

The_Ballerina said...

Erin- being the not so bright person I am, I failed to notice the date was in the link until now! So I zipped on over and read the post. I really enjoyed it and agreed with what you said! Thanks for sharing!

Hannah said...

I do not read Harry Potter, and i am a very strong christian. The bible is VERY clear that witchcraft is very wrong, and so my thought are, why would i read about something that i disagree with!?

Hannah said...

Erin, i read what you wrote on your blog. A great deal of the people reading the HP books, are not well-raised christians. So, it will shake them in they're faith, and make them wonder, such as the Golden Compass....

Anyways, what you guys read and dont, is not my business, i just wanted to state my opinion. ;)

The_Ballerina said...


Thanks for you opinion! I can see where you coming from.
I look at it as purely fictional and made up, and to each his own. I prayed a lot before I read them, I wanted to know for sure that it was ok for me to read them. And for me it was, but it might not be for others.

Erin said...

Hannah, have you read the books? I find that most Christians that are against them are ones that haven't read them. The books DO NOT condone witchcraft. J.K. Rowling herself said that.