Monday, March 10, 2008

How to stay inspired

As a dancer I sometimes feel burnt out and wonder why I push myself to do what I’m doing.
In ballet perfection is what we strive for, what we live and long for, but we know we will never reach it. To us, our leg could always be higher, our turns could always be faster, and our jumps could always be grander. But with the sweat and tears come moments of pure joy! I love ballet, it is a major part of me.
When I’m feeling low and discouraged I remember how much God has blessed me! He has given me an able body that can twist and bend and lift! He deserves all the glory for that! Everything I can do is from Him!

Feeling Low? Try these!

To refresh my mind when I feel like I’m not good enough I love to read my Bible! James is my favorite chapter!

Read some ballet books! Go to your local library and check out every book that has to do with ballet! There are some really great ones out there!

Go to youtube! There are some really amazing videos! NYCB and ABT have pages on youtube that link to their videos!

Look for amazing ballet pictures! This is a great blog that always has new pictures!

Stretch! I know is doesn’t sound fun at first, but it always feels really great when your done!

Go to your local Theatre and see a ballet, there is nothing like watching a live ballet to get you inspired!

Best wishes! I hope you stay inspired to keep doing what your doing!!!